Tickets on Sale online

Our Easter Chicks are Back !!
That time of year again, we are selling our lovely hand knitted Easter chicks (filled with a chocolate egg) here in the LARCC centre and they will also be on sale in shops in Mullingar and the surrounding areas. These cheerful little chicks come in a variety of vibrant colours and great value at €2.
New Ireland Assurance iCycle
Thank you to New Ireland Assurance for their very generous donation which they have raised through a charity cycle (iCycle) held on the 4th of September from Dublin to Athlone, a total distance of 130 km.

5 County Cycle Challenge for LARCC
Frank Dillon who organised the 5 County Cycle Challenge for LARCC says the main thing he took from this very successful Fundraising Cycle was “the camaraderie , the spirit and the friendship”. The cyclists left Mullingar at 10 am on Sat. August 9th, with a break in Mountmellick, arrived in Carlow at 3.15 pm. After […]
Bereavement Support Programme
Information evening for next Bereavement Support Programme at LARCC Centre, Multyfarnham, Mullingar on Tuesday 6th May at 7.30pm This programme is open to people who have been bereaved, regardless of the nature of the bereavement and is facilitated by an accredited counsellor (IACP) from the LARCC Centre. An 8 week programme with No fee For […]
Tom Maher’s Inn Templemore – Donation to LARCC
We are very grateful to Tom Mahers Inn, Templemore for their generous donation – the money raised was the proceeds from a Sponsored Shave and was presented to us at a function at their premises on Friday 14th February. Many thanks to everyone involved for their support.

Lough Lene Anglers Presentation to LARCC
Lovely to meet the Chairman Tommy Fagan and some members of the Lough Lene Anglers who recently presented us with a generous donation. Also many thanks for the lovely painting which is now on display here at the Centre.
St. Finian’s College Sing for LARCC
A big thank you to Teachers and Students of St. Finian’s College Mullingar who participated in this lovely event, carol singing in aid of LARCC. Thank you also to everyone who generously donated.
Ladbroke’s Presentation
We are very grateful to Ladbrokes Bookmakers for their donation. Photo shows Siobhan Bray from the Mullingar Branch prsenting cheque to Bernie McHugh – LARCC
‘Plant A Tree’ Mick Lynch & Son Tree Surgery Services
We are very grateful to Mick Lynch & Son for their very generous donation received at Christmas. This donation was half the proceeds from trees planted in Belvedere House & Gardens and we were so thankful to be involved in this very thoughtful project. The trees were donated by Billy Kelly Nurseries. Each tree cost […]