The Lazarus Community Forum

The unique Lazarus Forum offers inspiration and encouragement to cancer patients by raising the awareness of cancer survivability by those who have experienced it. By empowering cancer survivors to express their thoughts on cancer in this public forum, current patients can access valuable information from long term survivors and thus have another source of hope in facing their own cancer.

Your personal story is important - please share it with us to benefit other cancer patients.

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Susan’s Story

If you have been TOLD YOU HAVE CANCER and are SCARED & CONFUSED, then I AM SPEAKING TO YOU. I want you to know that you, like me, can come through the experience – maybe not as a better person but as you. I really didn’t realise that I was ill. Every headache has a […]

Jane’s Story

We moved to Tokyo in 2009 with our 6 month old daughter. It was amazing, such a calm and delightful city, I just loved being on an extended maternity leave so I could meet other new mums and explore the city with my buggy. After my son was born two years later, I took up […]

Adrian’s Story

My story began in May 2009, I had a small lump under my jaw bone and I went to my GP to check it out. After eliminating all obvious things he arranged for me to see a specialist in Galway. On the day of the appointment there was no sign of the lump and I […]

Garrett’s Story

In late 2007, I contracted a nasty chest infection necessitating a trip to my local GP. After a week or two interspersed with much coughing, wheezing, spluttering and large doses of various antibiotics and steroids, I felt somewhat better, though not quite “match fit”. I was not overly concerned, putting this down to the vagaries […]